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Slovak sprinters in lockdown after return from training camp

Slovak sprinters in lockdown after return from training camp 1.4.2020

The Coronavirus disrupted plans of all athletes and Slovak canoe sprint team was no exception. They had to cut short their training camps and had to go to the obligatory two-week long domestic quarantine. K4 members Samuel Balaž, Erik Vlček, Csaba Zalka and Adam Botek alongside with their team colleagues and members have been imprisoned in the hotel part of the Komarno boathouse.

Slovak K4 returned from California and the time difference is slightly starting to slip away but the fact that they need to stay inside their temporary home is a more difficult thing to swallow. “It drags us out. The weather is nice and the water is close. But we have to accept the fact we will not go to the water for at least next eleven days. We try to endure it somehow. The whole building is closed, we are in the hotel part of the complex. We are waiting to get the permission to go outside, although we will not be able to meet anyone outside our group. There is ten of us here, but we have our own rooms with shower, toilet and sink. They bring food in front of our rooms,” said Vlček.
Peter Gelle on the other hand found his temporary home in Trenčin together with his K2 partner Milan Dorner, “After returning from Mexico I still have a bit of a problem with jetlag, but I am slowly getting used to it. We try to suffer the minimal damage in terms of training, that’s why we made sure we have ergometer and bicycle in our apartment.” Food for Gele, Dorner and coach Radovan Šimoček is provided by their colleagues from Dukla Trenčin and family members.


Source: https://www.teraz.sk/sport/kanoistika-borci-uvazneni-v-hoteli/453507-clanok.html